Cisco ISE config-backup failure

Cisco ISE config-backup failure
In: ISE, Cisco


Do I like Cisco ISE, yes? Do I like fixing never-ending ISE bugs, absolutely not?

When you try to take ISE config-backup, the following error occurs and the backup process fails even though there is sufficient disk space available.

status: Error: The data filesystem is 77 percent full, which is above threshold of 70. Backup terminated

ise-pan/admin# show backup status
%% Configuration backup status
%% ----------------------------
%      backup name: Configuration-Backup
%       repository: ftp-server
%       start date: Wed Oct 22 10:01:11 BST 2021
%        scheduled: yes
%   triggered from: Admin web UI
%             host: ise-pan
%           status: Error: The data filesystem is 77 percent full, which is above threshold of 70. Backup terminated
ise-pan/admin# show disks
Internal filesystems:
/ : 16% used ( 2664704 of 18011420)
/dev : 0% used ( 0 of 8067676)
/dev/shm : 0% used ( 0 of 8077940)
/run : 1% used ( 2236 of 8077940)
/sys/fs/cgroup : 0% used ( 0 of 8077940)
/boot : 12% used ( 106800 of 991512)
/tmp : 1% used ( 7192 of 1983056)
/storedconfig : 2% used ( 1589 of 95054)
/boot/efi : 4% used ( 9776 of 276312)
/opt : 77% used ( 401131124 of 547127376)
/run/user/440 : 0% used ( 0 of 1615592)
/opt/docker/runtime/overlay2/483f9f8b4e3b8aa735a45d6d485d42e7/merged : 78% used ( 402131124 of 547127376)
/run/user/301 : 0% used ( 0 of 1615592)
/run/user/321 : 0% used ( 0 of 1615592)
/run/user/0 : 0% used ( 0 of 1615592)
/run/user/304 : 0% used ( 0 of 1615592)
/run/user/322 : 0% used ( 0 of 1615592)
  all internal filesystems have sufficient free space

If you look closely above, the /opt directory is 77% full which matches with the error message we have seen.


TAC advised that the /opt directory is almost full due to old log files taking up the space. Those old log files can only be removed by TAC via root shell access.

Get in touch with TAC and they should be able to free up the space by deleting the old log files.

Thank you for reading. As always your comments and feedbacks are always welcome

Written by
Suresh Vina
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