
Cisco Restconf Example

Cisco Restconf Example
In: NetDevOps, Cisco

In today's blog post, we're going to explore how to interact with a Cisco 9300 switch using RESTCONF and Python. We'll focus on two main tasks, retrieving VLAN information and then configuring new VLANs.


Although we're using a Cisco 9300 switch for this example, the methods we're going to cover can be applied to any IOS-XE-based device. Before diving in, I assume you have some familiarity with YANG models, Python, and REST APIs. If you're new to YANG, I recommend checking out my previous blog post on the topic.

How to Install Cisco YANG Suite? (Example with C9300)
In today’s post, we’re diving into Cisco YANG Suite, a tool that makes using netconf/restconf a breeze. If you want to easily configure and manage your network

Retrieving and Configuring VLANs using Restconf

First up, let's walk through a simple Python script that fetches the VLANs from our Cisco switch using Restconf.

import requests
import json


uri = ''
headers = {
    "accept": "application/yang-data+json",
    "Content-Type": "application/yang-data+json"

response = requests.get(

print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))

In this script, we're using the requests library to make a GET request to the device. We disable SSL warnings and specify our target URI. The headers dictionary is where we set the content type we're expecting from the device, in this case, "application/yang-data+json". After sending the request, we print the JSON response, nicely formatted with a 2-space indent.

  "Cisco-IOS-XE-vlan:vlan-list": [
      "id": 10,
      "name": "users"
Please note that this API call excludes the default VLANs 1, 1002-1005

Where did I get the URI?

You might be wondering how I got that specific URI /restconf/data/Cisco-IOS-XE-native:native/vlan/Cisco-IOS-XE-vlan:vlan-list. I used Yang Suite to find it, but you can also dig into the YANG model to locate this URI. Either way, this URI helps us target the exact resource we're interested in, VLAN in this case.

The screenshot shows a hierarchical representation of some portions of the YANG model. Here's what you're seeing.

  1. Tree Structure - The leftmost panel displays a tree structure. This is typical of YANG models, which have a nested and hierarchical design. Each entry in this tree is a YANG data node.
  2. Data Nodes
    • Container - Represented by folder-like icons, containers group related data together. For example, vlan is a container that will encompass everything related to VLAN configuration and state.
    • List - The icon that looks like a stack of items. The ios-vlan:vlan-list is an example. Lists are collections of data entries. Every entry in the list will have a similar structure, defined by the child nodes underneath. The key differentiation among entries in a list is typically determined by one or more "key" leaves. In the context of vlan-list, each VLAN entry can be uniquely identified, by the ios-vlan:id (representing VLAN ID) in this example.
    • Leaf - Represented by green icons. These are the most granular pieces of data in a YANG model. Examples include ios-vlan:id, ios-vlan:name, and ios-vlan:state. Leaves hold the actual data values.
  3. Namespace Prefix - Each node has a prefix like ios-vlan. This denotes the YANG model namespace to which that particular node belongs.

VLAN Configurations

Configuring New VLANs using Restconf

Now, let's dive into how we can use Restconf to configure new VLANs on our Cisco switch. For this demonstration, I'll walk you through the process of creating two VLANs - VLAN 20 and VLAN 21. Here's a Python script to get us started.

import requests
import json


uri = ''
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/yang-data+json"

body = {
    "Cisco-IOS-XE-vlan:vlan-list": [
            "id": 20,
            "name": "voice"
            "id": 21,
            "name": "servers"

response =
    auth=('username', 'password'),

  1. Import Required Libraries - We start by importing the necessary libraries. requests for making HTTP requests and json for handling JSON data.
  2. URI - This is the address we're targeting on our device to configure VLANs.
  3. Headers - We specify that our request body will be in the format of YANG data with JSON encoding.
  4. Body - This is where we define the VLANs we want to create. In our case, we want VLAN 20 named "voice" and VLAN 21 named "servers".
  5. Making the Request - We use the post() method of the requests library to create new resources on our device. In this case, the new resources are our VLANs.
  6. Printing the Response - We print the response we get back from the device.
<Response [201]>

The output <Response [201]> indicates the status of our HTTP request. The 201 status code means "Created". It signifies that the request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created on the device. In layman's terms, our VLANs were successfully created. (Please note that VLAN 10 was already existed on the switch)

c9300#show vlan

VLAN Name                             Status    Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1    default                          active    Te1/0/1, Te1/0/2, Te1/0/3
10   users                            active    
20   voice                            active    
21   servers                          active    

Deleting an existing VLAN

In this next example, we will look at how to delete a specific VLAN (21) from the switch.

import requests
import json


uri = ''
headers = {
    "accept": "application/yang-data+json"

response = requests.delete(
    auth=('username', 'password'),

  1. HTTP Method - We've switched from using a POST method (used for creating resources) to the DELETE method. As the name implies, DELETE is used to remove a resource.
  2. URI Change - Notice the URI includes vlan-list=21 at the end. This is to specifically target VLAN 21. By appending the specific VLAN ID, we're telling the switch exactly which VLAN we wish to remove.
  3. No Body - Unlike our POST request, we aren't sending a JSON body with our request. This is because the VLAN to delete is specified in the URI, so there's no need for additional data in the request body.
c9300#show vlan

VLAN Name                             Status    Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1    default                          active    Te1/0/1, Te1/0/2, Te1/0/3
10   users                            active    
20   voice                            active     

Changing the name of the VLAN

Let's look at an example of how to change the name of an existing VLAN.

import requests
import json


uri = ''
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/yang-data+json"

body = {
    "name": "new_name"

response = requests.put(
    auth=('username', 'password'),

  1. HTTP Method - This time, we're using the PUT method. The PUT method is commonly used to update an existing resource. It signifies that we want to modify an attribute of an existing resource, in this case, the name of VLAN 20.
  2. URI Change - The URI now includes /name at the end, right after vlan-list=20. This narrows down our target to the name attribute of VLAN 20. It tells the switch that we're specifically interested in changing the name of VLAN 20.
  3. Body Update - The body has been simplified. It now contains just one key-value pair, indicating that we're updating the name to new_name.
c9300#show vlan

VLAN Name                             Status    Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1    default                          active    Te1/0/1, Te1/0/2, Te1/0/3
10   users                            active    
20   new_name                         active     


In wrapping up, we've only scratched the surface of what Restconf has to offer for network automation. As we've seen, Restconf offers a structured, efficient, and standardized way of managing network devices. But this is just the beginning. In upcoming posts, I will try to cover managing interfaces, routes, and other intricate tasks using Restconf.

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Written by
Suresh Vina
Tech enthusiast sharing Networking, Cloud & Automation insights. Join me in a welcoming space to learn & grow with simplicity and practicality.
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